The primary mission of Control Specialists Company, as it
relates to its customers, is to provide and offer the products and
services necessary for effective and efficient traffic engineering
in order to satisfy their immediate needs with the knowledge that
the product and/or service has been provided in such a professional
manner that they will desire to continue to ask Control Specialists to provide any
product or service we offer on a repeat basis. The result of
accomplishing our mission to our customers will be increased
customer satisfaction and increased market share.
Our mission, as it relates to our
employees, is to provide employment for fair wages and benefits
while providing a challenging environment where their lives are
enhanced and encouraged in every way possible; granting them new
opportunities as the company grows; and encouraging them to adopt
our mission statement in their daily work and home life. The result
of accomplishing our mission to our employees will be a decrease in
employee turnover and attrition while developing more satisfied,
productive employees.
Our mission, as it relates to our owners,
is to be faithful and good stewards of the opportunity God has
granted us to perform. Therefore, being a prosperous organization
and giving a witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives
and others. The result of accomplishing our mission to our owners
will be pleasing in the eyes of God as we attempt to love Him in our
work as well as our home.
Developed by Arthur W. Belden and W.
Bruce O’Donoghue, July 14, 1988.
more information? Contact Us.
